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Location: PJ, Selangor, Malaysia

I look at life through a lens tinted with cynicism. I am thrifty with money, hence very much depriving myself of material fulfilment most of the time.And I think that paying >RM10 for a cup of coffee or a cone of ice-cream is absurd. Happiness comes from having ample time to stay in bed and read/write. I detest pop trash of the latter day and have turned to alternative rock/rock for solace. And I like creative writing. :)

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Sunday, March 25, 2007


I saw the Orion constellation in the sky just now. =) At least, I think it's the Orion group of stars.


I lost my mechanical pencil after being separated from it for months (a friend had it and it took him weeeeeeeks to return it. Or maybe because I didn't ask xD). I had it back on Thursday night, then I lost it on Friday evening. =( It'll never come back again, sniff. I damned sentimental when it comes to my belongings, sorry-lah.
Also, I lost my HSD/GCO/library file and my flamingly pink HSD/GCO/library notebook. The latter has been found (thanks yinyee!) and I'm hoping one of the marchers have the former because I left it on the pavillion steps while resting during marching on Friday. =( Sniff.

I can never seem to solve add math questions on my own. =( I need tuition.

Another friend goes to Aussieland to further her studies. I don't understand. Why is everyone going to Australia??? Go Germany-lah. Education there's free you know. -_-

One day to a new beginning,
Raise the flag of freedom high,
Every man will be a king,
There's a new world for the winning,
There's a new world to be won,
Do you hear the people sing?

-One Day More, from Les Miserables


link | posted by Ee Lin at 7:23 AM | 0 comments

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hi, well yeah I am painfully aware that I need a new blogskin.
My first term results have been so bad, especially add math. I barely passed my add math. :( I guess I didn't take it too seriously. My best results came from Sejarah (even my english couldn't achieve any higher). Maybe because Pn Cecilia aka Mrs.timebomb took pity on us and gave us each Batai-ans 3 marks for trying. -_- Why, thank you very much. Bob Rick got a freaking 95% for add math. There was someone else I can't rmb who.
I got a free lunch on Friday from the cooking competition in bilik masakan. Like every year. xD Wai Kar's lasagna rocked.
I'm worried for the marching team this year. No one, not even the ketua, is taking it seriously. OoOoOh, bad shape. I wonder how is the cheerleading team doing.

Top movies I want to watch:-
  1. Mr Bean's Holiday
  2. 300
  3. Borat (I know it's a stupid film, but...xD)
  4. Pan's Labyrinth
  5. TMNT and,

People i'm sooo excited! Have you seen the trailer? Go watch. It's damned nice. And it's starring Chow Yun Fat and Geoffrey Rush (again)! Wooohooo! It's kinda weird seeing TWO SGI members in 1 film.

And about the other films, i know I've been really outdated lately. I've been so dying to watch 300. I tried downloading it and I got some adult crap. We're getting a more and more corrupted society these days.

I want to go watch the Mozart's The Magic Flute performance in KLPac but it's so inconvenient, time and budget and transport-wise. :( Oh well.

Honouring the men who deserve the rightful respect and limelight,
David Wenham! Oh I bet some of you haven't even HEARD of him. -_-

as Faramir, in Lord of the Rings

As Carl, in Van Helsing

As, err, soldier (?) in 300.

and Johnny Depp! Woohoo!

I added him because he looks really cool here. Chow Yun-Fat =D

Swooning aside, I have to go practice now, or I will be molded into a blob of human flesh on the spot by my conductor's glare on Thursday. And my add math homework. Sigh.

Signed out.


link | posted by Ee Lin at 8:03 PM | 0 comments

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