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Location: PJ, Selangor, Malaysia

I look at life through a lens tinted with cynicism. I am thrifty with money, hence very much depriving myself of material fulfilment most of the time.And I think that paying >RM10 for a cup of coffee or a cone of ice-cream is absurd. Happiness comes from having ample time to stay in bed and read/write. I detest pop trash of the latter day and have turned to alternative rock/rock for solace. And I like creative writing. :)

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Friday, April 06, 2007

I don't know if it's because of the hormones or what, but I'm being very emo today. It takes me more than the usual ounce of willpower not to scream at someone. In a way, it's good. =] Still, I complained and whined more than usual, and lost my temper more than once. =/ Definitely the hormones.

Okay here goes the emo post.

I hate people who waits for work to come to them. They assume there is nth to be done if the work is not delegated. Instead, they would sit their lazy asses around and stink the air with their lousy presence, while you're over there trying to make the library a better place (yes it's about the library, again). I can't stand people who thinks that holding a broom is considered... unsophisticated. C'mon lar, you're keeping the damned place clean! =.=' ARGH, kids nowadays.

We were doing the ticker tape experiment in Physics today (the new trainee teacher seem not that bad after all =]) and the bell rang, so everyone kinda panicked because they needed the ticker tape for their report. So all berebut-rebut, as predicted, and some even stole the results of other students' experiment (as in the ticker tape), among them was mine, and is that was not bad enough, they left the lab in utter disaster. =.=' Grace and I had to stay back to clean the entire lab up, kids nowadays ar... =.='

One of the junior librarians discovered my youtube account. Somehow I don't feel "safe" anymore. Like an intrudance of privacy. =(

Blah, dem tired now, just came back from a meeting. I missed American Idol, darn it.


"He who laughs last understands slowest."


link | posted by Ee Lin at 7:42 AM |


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