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Location: PJ, Selangor, Malaysia

I look at life through a lens tinted with cynicism. I am thrifty with money, hence very much depriving myself of material fulfilment most of the time.And I think that paying >RM10 for a cup of coffee or a cone of ice-cream is absurd. Happiness comes from having ample time to stay in bed and read/write. I detest pop trash of the latter day and have turned to alternative rock/rock for solace. And I like creative writing. :)

Previous Posts Daily Reads

Sunday, November 26, 2006

clarinet cliche

Gosh it's weeks since my last entry. Anyway, been busy lately, so busy! Been sleeping later than usual for the past weeks. I'm sprouting white hair again (previous experience was before PMR), got 3 strands out, thank you monkey Zhi Lin. So much of pressure these days, learning how to cope with them . Gosh, so much of things to do!

Latest update being my senior admitted into hospital for a food-poisoning case. It appears that water in Cheras were polluted, so there were many similar cases in the hospital he was in, so it was classified as food-poisoning. Dear, he sounded so sick, and he complained he was really cold and all. Sadly my mum isn't allowing me to visit him along with the other section members because the hospital's in Ampang. That is sooo far.

I'm got my interest all perked up in the oboe. Yessir, I tried out the oboe this morning as the oboist came (after he lmao-ed over my new haircut he allowed me to handle his oboe). After several stumbles I finally got to play it correctly, and damn the feeling was great! Really awoke that "inner demand to learn more". I won't be leaving the clarinet section just yet! I've got a mission to fulfil, that is to bring up the future clarinet section, but who knows what might happen after that...xD I'm supposed to give my answer to Mr. Wong CL [I can only choose one: oboe or clarinet] within the week or so, meanwhile, will be chanting my butt off for the wisdom to make the right decision. =)

None of my seniors are supportive of me considering the oboe. = [ I didn't really bother asking the upcoming clarinetists...they might not even know that you can multitask with other instruments. But an appreciative thank you to Mr. Wong for your kind support. =) Heck, I'm gonna quote him for saying this, "u have the talent to play oboe; u're better than XXX and even better than XXX; but too bad u're the clar. player". Sigh, yeah, maybe. Perasan me. I feed on praises. =]


link | posted by Ee Lin at 6:57 AM |


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