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Location: PJ, Selangor, Malaysia

I look at life through a lens tinted with cynicism. I am thrifty with money, hence very much depriving myself of material fulfilment most of the time.And I think that paying >RM10 for a cup of coffee or a cone of ice-cream is absurd. Happiness comes from having ample time to stay in bed and read/write. I detest pop trash of the latter day and have turned to alternative rock/rock for solace. And I like creative writing. :)

Previous Posts Daily Reads

Friday, August 18, 2006

Came back from "band" practice around 11.45pm. Reboosted my energy with good ole milk-campur-milo, then sat down to study for my Science and Chinese. Ran out of midnight oil at 12.45pm.

Bad mistake. My first attempt at burning midnight oil was foiled. Why? Well, my alarm clock is the mosque near my house. Guess what? I slept so deeply that I didn't hear the 5.45am prayers, I slept through it until 6.30am. Woke up, panicked, sped to school.

Screwed up my chinese, especially my calligraphy. Somehow I found this new technique of writing...right in the middle of my exam! Tried to apply it immediately, failed terribly. My once-pride-of-my-chinese calligraphy turned out to be like shit. S.H.I.T.

After that, Simone sorta feel sick. Period pain. Went to library, couldn't find her. Got pass from Pn Monica and Pn Yong, then with Grace went to:-

1. find Simone, who seem lost in school somewhere.
2. get rekod dimerit book from Shzen Yee.

Ran around school like donkeys. Found Simone in library pulak. =.=' Then accompanied her to 5 Batai, where Pn Daljit was. She decided to go home after all, which means she missed science. Haih, by the time we returned to class it was like 5 minutes to exam. Screwed up my Science also lar. Haih. "Cause you had a bad day,..."

Went back, slept (for the first time in MONTHS), tuition. Went home, celebrated the beginning of the hols by watching *drums roll* SAMURAI X: REFLECTION!!! Hehe, got it from Pamela, who also lent me Howl's Moving Castle. Anyway, that show rocks lar, one of those shows where you cry so hard that you SOB. Poor Himura...poor Sanosuke...I love KENJI! HE'S SO DARN CUTE! But cannot beat his father lar, hehe...

All hell break loose beginning: TOMORROW.

1. PD trip.
2. FYSB rehearsal.
3. study, study, study!
4. FYSB concert!!!


link | posted by Ee Lin at 6:54 AM |


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