About Me
I look at life through a lens tinted with cynicism. I am thrifty with money, hence very much depriving myself of material fulfilment most of the time.And I think that paying >RM10 for a cup of coffee or a cone of ice-cream is absurd. Happiness comes from having ample time to stay in bed and read/write. I detest pop trash of the latter day and have turned to alternative rock/rock for solace. And I like creative writing. :)
Thursday, August 10, 2006 My brother. My mother. Woke up, and it was already 8.00am. Erm, oops. Studied my Science (finally back on track!), then went up to my dad's comp. Which reminds me...THANK YOU SO MUCH NEAL! YOU'VE BEEN A GREAT HELP!!! Night: GCO practice again. Came early. Met Yeu, Vincent, Alan. Went with them for makan at mamak. (mental note: never sit in song yeu's car again. it's a wonder how he passed his P.) Talked nonsense for an hour. It was then I looked at Song Yeu's shirt dengan lebih teliti... MBSKL Librarian Board 2004? Me. Song Yeu. Vincent. "You're a librarian?"*in disbelief* "Yar..."*arches eyebrow at me.* "You don't look a single bit like one." *still in disbelief* *Vincent taps me on shoulder.* "Actually I was also a librarian leh...haa...haa..." "...serious ah?" (o_O) "I got important job wan you know..." "Hmm?" "I cop the reading program wan you know. If I like you then wah, I pass you. If I don't like you, hehehe..." *eyebrow twitching, wondering what to reply.* Unbelievable. We were late by 8.00pm. (mental note: never sit in song yeu's car again...have I mentioned that?) Prayer, then set up, flew over to FeiYang (no pun intended). Died in the Sea. Graffiti...not bad lar. Then we had persembahan from The Gloria Ensemble. Dem nice, for sure can win that RM8000 this Saturday! Gambate! Since I'm so bored now and refusing to study... the good ole days...dont mind the caption. I screenshot"ed" this one. above: the good ole days again...oh the humiliation... see the beauty queen wave? my skirt almost fell off on the runway. They wanted me to take off my shirt underneath...SIAO AH?! and guess what? Yours truly won the Miss GFG title. Result was unanimous. Yes, unbelievable. Mr. GFG was Huang Yik. See the delighted faces of my group? *points above* Clothes designer: chun siang. Makeup artist (buncho paint, actually): kailing, michelle, gaik chin. the beauty pageant. That was my reaction when the judge raced forward and pulled me out. See me? In the middle? Bah, nevermind. Gosh, how I miss GFG camp. Now I understand why GFG has always been so exeggeratedly diheboh-hebohkan throughout the years. "You were selected for GFG? I salute you wei." "Wow, you're a GFGer? That's so cool..." "Ei, what they do in there ah? I heard they're very good..." Now I know lar. SEL
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